Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Member Responsibilities

What follows is a draft of the responsibilities that members of Project Five-Star will be required to fulfill.

Members have the responsibility to answer any question asked by staff truthfully.

Members have the responsibility to follow any rule as set by the Board of Directors.

Members have the responsibility to respect the rights of staff and other members.

Members have the responsibility to maintain their rooms in a clean and sanitary manner.

Members have the responsibility to report any problems within their room.

Members have the responsibility  to report any problems with food.

Members have the responsibility to use profanity in a limited manner.

Members have the responsibility to follow their training and work schedule as set by their Skill Director.

Members are expected to learn job etiquette skills and apply them to their daily lives.

Members have the responsibility to not allow non-members to use any facility or service within the Project without prior approval from management.

Members have the responsibility to perform their chosen skill to the best of their ability.

Members have the responsibility to look for a job with the help of the Employment Director.

Members have the responsibility to look for permanent housing with the help of the Housing Director.

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